Projects: China's Outer Lands: qsakamaki_china_slide008

An unemployed man stays at a memorial park of Tiexi District in Shen Yang, Liaoning province, in China's North East that used to have many of the government owned iron factories and houses for workers. But due to the malfunction, many of the factories were closed, creating many unemployment people. Now that district has been turning to high-rise residential buildings with often hearing about unfair land grabs.China's North East was once called Manchuria. The region was at a crossroads that was manipulated in history, including the occupation by Russia and Japan. And now the area is facing upheavals due to the globalization with China’s rapid economic growth itself, creating the gap between the rich and the poor and even more unemployment.

An unemployed man stays at a memorial park of Tiexi District in Shen Yang, Liaoning province, in China's North East that used to have many of the government owned iron factories and houses for workers. But due to the malfunction, many of the factories were closed, creating many unemployment people. Now that district has been turning to high-rise residential buildings with often hearing about unfair land grabs. 

China's North East was once called Manchuria. The region was at a crossroads that was manipulated in history, including the occupation by Russia and Japan. And now the area is facing upheavals due to the globalization with China’s rapid economic growth itself, creating the gap between the rich and the poor and even more unemployment.